Why You Need a Happiness Coach
A Happiness Coach can make a big difference in your life. Sometimes, life can be complicated, confusing, and full of unnecessary stress. When that happens, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos and commotion. Before you know it, you’re not your usual happy self. You’re gaining weight, drinking more than you should, not exercising, arguing with your partner, or avoiding friends. The list goes on and on. Before you know it, you’re angry and depressed and in a funk. You know you need to do something, but what?
If you often struggle with mental health issues, therapy might be your best option, but if the situation is temporary, a happiness coach can help guide you out of the chaos that’s infiltrated your life and move you toward a more balanced and healthier lifestyle. You can also have fun during the process.
Why Work With a Coach
A happiness coach can do many things, but most people work with a coach because they are going through a significant life transition. For example, you might be ending a career, looking for a new one, or wanting to start a new business. Maybe you’ve ended a long-term relationship and are wondering how to meet new people. Moving to a new location and figuring out how to settle in can also require the assistance of a coach. Perhaps a close friend or family member or even you are having scary medical issues. Empty-nesters and retirees can also benefit from happiness coaching, just as new moms can.
How a Happiness Coach Can Help
Regardless of what’s going on in your life, a happiness coach can empower you to live a happier life on your terms and increase your sense of well-being. This means a coach might help you eliminate habits that aren’t working for you, improve those that will, and help you develop your full potential. Appreciating little things, feeling more peaceful, letting go of painful memories, and experiencing joy more fully are some ways a happiness coach can help you get more out of life.
A happiness coach will also help you define happiness because it’s different for everyone. Figuring out what happiness means for you and creating a roadmap to get there is a big part of coaching. For some people, it takes one or two sessions, but others need more time. If you think you might benefit from happiness coaching, schedule a free introductory phone call with a coach to see if you’re a match. It’s crucial to find a coach that you like and trust so that your time together is productive and enjoyable.
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Jan Fishler is a certified happiness coach and author. Her most recent books are Don’t Stop Now: Making the Most of the Rest of Your Life and 52 Ways to Be Happy: from the inside out. You can learn more at www.JanFishler.net.
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