December 11 Writing Prompt: Write about your home.
Where do you live? What does your home or apartment look like? Who lives with you (include pets). Include the surrounding environment as well as the emotional climate.
Author and Happiness Coach
December 11 Writing Prompt: Write about your home.
Where do you live? What does your home or apartment look like? Who lives with you (include pets). Include the surrounding environment as well as the emotional climate.
December 10 Writing Prompt: Write about the holiday season.
Some people love the holidays and others dread the season. Write about how the holiday season makes you feel. Are there traditions you cherish or does all the hoop-la make you uncomfortable? Write about where you believe the source of your current attitude comes from.
December 9 Writing Prompt: Write about family.
Think about your family and those you love. Write about their importance in your life and what you can do this coming year to express your feelings of gratitude and appreciation towards them.
December 7 Writing Prompt: Write about change.
If you were the ruler of the universe, what one thing would you change? How would this make the world a better place? How would this affect your friends and family and your community? Perhaps you have experienced a difficult transition or would like to change something about yourself. Write about what the word change means to you.
December 6 Writing Prompt: Write about a dream.
It could be a something you hope will happen in the future or something you remember during sleep. Do you believe dreams can come true or that they can be premonitions of things to come? Think of a challenge in your life and write a dream that holds a solution.
December 5 Writing Prompt: Write about disappointment.
Looking back at the past year, what has been your biggest disappointment? What if anything could you have done to avoid being or feeling let down? What lesson did you learn from this experience?
December 4 Writing Prompt: Write about your inner-most desire.
Identify your deepest desire and write about it as if it is a reality. Use first person, present tense, and as much detail as you can, including all of the senses.
December 3 Writing Prompt: Write about an embarrassing moment.
This could be something that happened to you or to someone else. It might even be something you read or heard about. Do you ever not do something because you might be embarrassed by the outcome? Write a scene (real or imagined) where you or your character is completely embarrassed, but somehow recover.
December 2 Writing Prompt: Write about an expensive purchase.
Write about something you bought that was somewhat extravagant. In hindsight was it worth the money? Perhaps you didn’t buy something you really wanted or needed. In either case write your internal dialogue. Include any insight you now have into your attitude about money.
As the last month of the year, December is a good time to evaluate the past eleven months and set intentions for the coming year. By taking time to reflect on our goals, accomplishments, and challenges, we can make sense of the past and perhaps move forward with more confidence and direction. December is also a good time to take stock of our attitudes and beliefs, identifying those that serve us and those that benefit from a rewrite. This type of evaluation can also extend to our friendships, work situations and lifestyles. The prompts for this month are designed to get you to think about what has been working for you and where you might want to rewrite your history and perhaps your destiny.
December 1 Writing Prompt: Write about something significant.
What was the most significant event that occurred this past year? Was it something you planned or was it unexpected? How did it make you feel? Were others involved? Write about it in detail.