December 31 Writing Prompt: Write about what is sacred.
What do you hold sacred, and why is this so important to you? Was there an incident that caused you feel this way? In what ways is your life blessed?
Author and Happiness Coach
December 31 Writing Prompt: Write about what is sacred.
What do you hold sacred, and why is this so important to you? Was there an incident that caused you feel this way? In what ways is your life blessed?
December 30 Writing Prompt: Write about sacrifice.
What if anything are you willing to sacrifice to reach your goals this coming year? What have you sacrificed to get where you are today? Was it worth the price?
December 29 Writing Prompt: Write about happiness.
Do you believe that happiness is our birthright? Who deserves to be happy and at what price? Write about a time you sacrificed your happiness for someone else’s. Was it worth it?
December 28 Writing Prompt: Write about hindsight.
Knowing what you know now, what could you have done differently? Write the scene the way it was and the way it “coulda, shoulda, woulda” been.
December 27 Writing Prompt: Write about excitement.
What are you excited about? What activity or event are you looking forward to? What book can’t you put down? Maybe it’s food or a restaurant that gets your juices flowing. Whatever it is, describe it in detail.
December 26 Writing Prompt: Write about resources.
What resources do you possess that make a positive difference in your life? Consider friends, family, career, as well as personal attributes. If your resources are limited, write about what you can do to acquire more.
December 25 Writing Prompt: Write about grace.
Is there a situation you are dealing with or have dealt with that requires or could have benefited from a more graceful approach? Is this an attribute you have or would like to acquire? Write about how grace could help overcome a difficult or frustrating situation or person.
December 24 Writing Prompt: Write about the future.
Write about the person you will be in five, ten, and fifteen years from now. What would your family and friends day about you? Imagine interviewing them now and in the future and write their responses to various interview questions.
December 23 Writing Prompt: Write about the coming year.
Write about how you would you like your life to be this coming year? What goals would you like to accomplish? What goal is most important to you? What steps will you take to make sure you accomplish this objective?
December 22 Writing Prompt: Write about admiration.
Who do you admire? What qualities and traits does he or she have that inspire you? Write about the qualities you have in common and what you could do to be more like him or her.