You can be happier this year!
It all begins with the Happiness Hour for Women.
On Zoom. At no cost.
I also offer 1-1 coaching, online retreats, and inspiring blog posts.
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Join me to make this your best life ever.
While you're here, be sure to check out my books.

The publication of Don’t Stop Now: Making the Most of the Rest of Your Life added speaking and coaching to my offerings. In addition to encouraging women who are 50+ to be all they can be, the book is a simple recipe for happiness. Now, as a certified Happiness Coach, I show women how to go from stressed and cranky to healthy and happy in record time. And now, there's a book for that: 52 Ways to Be Happy: from the inside out.
Book a FREE call to see how I can help.

Habits of Successful People
Habits — the good, the bad and the ugly. The goal is to develop good ones, but that’s not always easy. Obstacles often abound making it difficult to reach your objective. Many times, the things that trip us up and stop us dead in our tracks are often of our own […]
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