Here’s what’s currently in the works…
Elle Gianforte and I are working on a new book: Don’t Stop Now! Making the Most of the Rest of Your Life. It’s the kick in the butt Boomer women need to keep on keepin’ on! We’re looking for stories to include in the book.
If you’re a writer and want to get better, check out this video series…
The Path to Publication DVD series, available from Films for the Humanities and Sciences. Filmed at the Community of Writers Conference at Squaw Valley, the series contains advice from such well-known authors as Amy Tan, Anne Lamott, Janet Fitch, and Mark Childress.
Here are links to some interesting and useful articles I’ve written in the past.
Healthy Options: Articles about alternative healthcare practitioners appearing in The Union newspaper, the first and third Tuesdays of each month, beginning January 2015.
Articles about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and working with freelance writers that I wrote to promote my own services. These articles are informative and an example of content you can send to Ezine directories like Zinio, Ezine-Universe, eZineSearch, and similar sites.
Articles about Tourism in Nevada County. These articles were designed to draw traffic to the Broad Street Inn, but were also used in a print media campaign in the local newspaper.
Articles for Author/Business Coach. Ruth Schwartz used these articles to promote her book, The Key to the Golden Handcuffs: Stop Being a Slave to Your Business, build her author platform, and establish credibility as a business coach and subject matter expert.