April 25 Writing Prompt: Seeking
Create a character who is a “seeker.” What is he or she looking for? Imagine that this person goes on a Vision Quest – a silent retreat in nature to seek direction in life. Write about their experience.
Author and Happiness Coach
April 25 Writing Prompt: Seeking
Create a character who is a “seeker.” What is he or she looking for? Imagine that this person goes on a Vision Quest – a silent retreat in nature to seek direction in life. Write about their experience.
April 24 Writing Prompt: Joy
What fills your heart with joy? What prevents you from being more joyful? Write about steps you can take to bring more joy into your life.
April 23 Writing Prompt: Change
Do you resist change or go with the flow? If money was not an issue, what would you change about your life? How can you adjust your thinking to make your life better (easier, more fun)?
April 22 Writing Prompt: Wisdom
What life lessons have helped you grow? How have these difficult situations shaped your life? Do you honor your inner-knowing or do you pretend you don’t hear the quiet whispers?
April 21 Writing Prompt:Connection
Do you feel connect or disconnected to yourself, friends, family, and to the earth? If you could connect with anyone who would it be? Why? What would you talk about? What would you do?
April 20 Writing Prompt: Camouflage
If you could be a fly on the wall, where would you go? What would you want to see and hear? What would you observe? What would you do with this information?
April 19 Writing Prompt: Unity
Are there aspects of your life that prevent you from feeling connect to others? How could you create more unity—within yourself, your family, your community and the world?
April 18 Writing Prompt: Opinions
Whether we express them or not, we all have opinions. Write about an opinion you have that you are afraid to express. What prevents you from speaking the truth about this topic? What could happen if you did?
April 17 Writing Prompt:
What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you or a character in a movie or book? How can you bring more humor and laughter into your life?
April 16 Writing Prompt:
What do you worry about? Write about all of your concerns, then imagine how life would be if you stopped thinking about these things for a minute, an hour, a day or for the rest of your life.