September 3 Writing Prompt: Action
The difference between success and failure can be as simple as taking action. Write about the results you attained the last time you took action. Then, write about a goal you would like to achieve and the steps required to take action. Now go do it!
Writing Prompt: Acting
September 2 Writing Prompt: Acting
We all enjoy a good play and are often astonished by a strong performance. At the same time, we are often actors in our own personal dramas. Write about a time you acted in a personal drama. Imagine watching yourself on stage. Write a review about your performance.
Writing Prompt: Ability
September reminds me of back to school, a slight dip in temperature, and harvesting vegetables from the garden. Each year there is an overabundance of something. One year it was tomatoes, another year it was peppers, and this year it’s all varieties of squash. While my husband prepares the soil and plants the seeds, I’m in charge of watering and coming up with creative uses for the food we grow.
Creativity brings me to the topic of writing prompts for September. Awhile back I stumbled across the book, Women Know Everything! 3,241 Quips, Quotes & Brilliant Remarks. Touting “Wit and Wisdom from A to Z,” this month’s prompts are inspired by the alphabetical organization of the topics.
September 1Writing Prompt: Ability
We are often judged by our ability or lack of. Write about your strengths and weaknesses. What ability would you like to strengthen? What steps could you take over the next year to become more capable in this area?
Writing Prompt: Georgia on My Mind
August 31 Writing Prompt:
This prompt is based on the song title, Georgia on My Mind by Ray Charles. What have you been thinking about lately? Who or what is on your mind? Do these thought make you feel good or are they upsetting? What are you going to do about it?
Writing Prompt: Heroes
August 30 Writing Prompt:
This prompt is based on the song title, Heroes by David Bowie. Who is your hero? What role have they played in your life or in the life of a story, poem, or novel you’re writing? What makes them unique? Describe this person in detail. What do they look like? How old are they? Where are they from? What specifically do they do that is so heroic?
Writing Prompt: People Get Ready
August 29 Writing Prompt:
This prompt is based on the song title, People Get Ready by the Impressions. What do you need to get ready to do? Where are you planning to go? What do you wish you were getting ready for? On a more global scale, what should people be getting ready for?
Writing Prompt: Yesterday
August 28 Writing Prompt:
This prompt is based on the song title, Yesterday by The Beatles. What did you do yesterday? Did you have fun? Accomplish something important? Do something embarrassing? Write about your day, but from the point of view of your pet. If you don’t have a pet, imagine a cat watched your every move.
Writing Prompt: What’s Going On
August 27 Writing Prompt:
This prompt is based on the song title, What’s Going On by Marvin Gaye. You’ve been on vacation and come back home to discover a party going on in your living room. You enter the room and no one even notices you. The first words out of your mouth are, “What’s going on here?” Write the rest of this scene.
Writing Prompt: Good Vibrations
August 26 Writing Prompt:
This prompt is based on the song title, Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys. Write about a person you know who makes the room light up whenever they enter. If you don’t know anyone like that, imagine someone who can do this either literally or metaphorically. Have fun describing a scene involving good vibrations.
Writing Prompt: The Message
August 25 Writing Prompt:
This prompt is based on the song title, The Message by Grandmaster Flash. What message is the universe sending you that you are ignoring? What messages are you sending others? How have these messages sealed your fate? Write about a character who ignores an important message and what happens to him or her as a result.