June 18 Writing Prompt: Warrior Energy
What battles are you fighting? Are you winning or losing? What would you have to do to move toward peace? Write a scene where you use your warrior energy to create a positive outcome.
Author ~ Happiness Coach
June 18 Writing Prompt: Warrior Energy
What battles are you fighting? Are you winning or losing? What would you have to do to move toward peace? Write a scene where you use your warrior energy to create a positive outcome.
June 17 Writing Prompt: Fertility
What rut, habit, cultural pattern, or relationship needs to go so that you can have a new beginning? Write about the situation that has been holding you back and what you can do to sow seeds in fertile ground. Describe in detail what will bloom in your garden.
June 16 Writing Prompt: Partnership
Have you ever had a great partnership? Even if you haven’t, you can write about the qualities your ideal business or marriage partner would have. Describe this person in detail paying particular attention to their assets and talents, how they complement you, and what you will accomplish together that you are unable to accomplish on your own.
June 15 Writing Prompt: The Unknowable
What is your ultimate destiny? What fears prevent you from achieving your ultimate potential? Imagine a world where these fears no long exist. Describe the path you will follow to get to where you know you should be. Write about the allies who help you along the way and the various obstacles you circumvent or overcome.
June 14 Writing Prompt: The Self
Contemplate the words of Hamlet, “To thine own self be true.” Write about a time when you have not been true to your own self. Why the charade? Develop a character who is your true self. What can this character do that you can’t? How could you be more like this character?
June 13 Writing Prompt: Journey
What is persisting because of your resistance? What could you do to affect the desired change? In an effort to create a better understanding of your situation, write a dialogue between you and your higher self. Include a solution for removing all resistance.
June 12 Writing Prompt: Standstill
Write about a time when you have been powerless to do anything about a situation. What had to be put on hold and for how long? Did you harbor resentment about these circumstances? Perhaps you’re still at a standstill.
June 11 Writing Prompt: Initiation
Imagine your ideal day. Where would you be, what would you be doing, who would be with you, what would you bring along? Write about that day in exquisite detail. Compare how you feel before the day started and how you feel afterward.
June 10 Writing Prompt: Breakthrough
What is your innermost desire, the part of you no one knows? Take time to write a detailed scene where you accomplish this goal? What does it take to break through the real and imagined barriers? What could you do to change the course of your life and make this dream a reality?
June 9 Writing Prompt: Tests
What life experiences have you gone through that tested you in some way, and what clarity did you earn as a result of a particular trial? Pick one of those tests and write about who you before and who you have become. How could you share your insight with others?