November 30 Writing Prompt: Photos
If you have photos from your travels, pick out your 5 favorites. Write captions and a 300 word paragraph about each of them. Share them with your friends and/or family or post on Facebook or on your blog.
Author and Happiness Coach
November 30 Writing Prompt: Photos
If you have photos from your travels, pick out your 5 favorites. Write captions and a 300 word paragraph about each of them. Share them with your friends and/or family or post on Facebook or on your blog.
November 29 Writing Prompt: The Worst
Write 500-800 words about an aspect of the trip you could have lived without. If possible, find humor in the situation—even though it might not have been funny at the time.
November 28 Writing Prompt: The Best
Write 500-800 words about the best part of your trip. Why was this the best? Were you alone or with others?
November 27 Writing Prompt: Newspaper Headlines
What are today’s newspaper headlines? If they aren’t in your language ask someone to translate. Write a news story based on what you know. If it’s bad or scary news, find a way to put a positive spin on the information.
November 26 Writing Prompt: Locals
Describe some of the locals you have met. Are they friendly and helpful or do they appear to be disinterested in you? Pick someone and imagine walking in their shoes, then write a fictionalized account about their day.
November 25 Writing Prompt: Beauty
Describe something beautiful without saying what it is. It could be a person, a sound, a place, or a thing. Use your imagination. Perhaps, write a poem.
November 24 Writing Prompt: Comfort
How does being in this town or country make you feel? Are you “a fish out of water” or does it feel like home? Would you return? Why or why not?
November 23 Writing Prompt: The Bizarre and Unusual
Write about the most bizarre or unusual thing you have observed or experienced during your trip. Where were you? Who was with you? How did this observation or experience make you feel?
November 22 Writing Prompt: Religion
What is the predominant religion of the place you are visiting? If possible, attend a religious service that is different from your faith and write about it. If you can’t attend a service, try to interview a member of the congregation and write about what you’ve learned.
November 21 Clothing
What type of clothing do most people wear in the town or country you are visiting? Think about style, texture, and color. In what other ways do people in this location adorn themselves?