Are you a people-pleaser or do you walk to the rhythm of your own drum? What circumstances made you the way you are? Is it working for you, or do you feel like you should change?
Are you a disciplined person or do you tend to spin out of control? Maybe you’re somewhere in the middle. Write about a situation where you “should” have had more discipline. What were the consequences?
When was the last time you did something spontaneously? Did it work for you? Write about what prevents you from being more spontaneous and what (if anything) you can do to rectify the situation.
What motivates you? Write about your passion and your deepest desire. Who would you be if nothing was stopping you? Give this passionate character a name and describe him or her in detail.
What we project into the world often comes back at us through the behaviors of others. If you stopped a certain behavior (you know the one), what affect would it have on the people around you? Write a scene about this.
What are you holding on to that you no longer need? How would you feel if you finally let it go? Write about releasing the attitude, belief, person, situation, etc. that just needs to go