June 28 Writing Prompt: Crisis
Imagine walking through the dark night of the soul. How does the night begin? Where does it end? What do you learn about yourself along the way?
Author ~ Happiness Coach
June 28 Writing Prompt: Crisis
Imagine walking through the dark night of the soul. How does the night begin? Where does it end? What do you learn about yourself along the way?
June 27 Writing Prompt: Opportunity
When opportunity knocks, it’s best to answer the door. Write about opportunities you have you accepted as well as those you have missed.
June 26 Writing Prompt: Secret
Write about a secret you have or one that someone told you. What would happen if word got out? What would be the short and long term consequences? Write about the worst case scenario.
June 25 Writing Prompt: Signals
There are times when we have a “failure to communicate.” Write about a time when you were completely misunderstood and your signals weren’t picked up. How did you attempt to rectify the situation? What did you learn from the experience?
June 24 Writing Prompt: Growth
Write about your virtues—the aspects of yourself that are your greatest good. Give a few of these attributes to one of your characters and have him or her use these strengths to avert evil.
June22 Writing Prompt: Constraint
Write about your shadow side (or your character’s shadow side), the part that attracts misfortune. What would happen if those impulses were never controlled? Demonstrate the power of the shadow in a scene.
June 21 Writing Prompt: Disruption
Think of what you covet most and then imagine it being taken away from you by natural forces such as a tornado, earthquake, or hurricane. Create a scene where you watch the disruption that is entirely out of your control.
June 20 Writing Prompt: Wholeness
What do you need to do to regenerate and recharge your energy? How do you manage to keep your spirits up when adversity occurs? Write about a situation when “Let go and let God” was the only option.
June 19 Writing Prompt: Harvest
What goal have you set that requires you to persevere? Write about how you have been able to stay the course. What harvest did you reap or do you hope to reap? If you were unable to stick with the task at hand, write about the obstacles you were unable to overcome.
June 18 Writing Prompt: Warrior Energy
What battles are you fighting? Are you winning or losing? What would you have to do to move toward peace? Write a scene where you use your warrior energy to create a positive outcome.