July 9 Writing Prompt: Excess
If you had more money than you needed, what would you do with the excess?
Author ~ Happiness Coach
July 9 Writing Prompt: Excess
If you had more money than you needed, what would you do with the excess?
July 8 Writing Prompt: A Year to Live
If you had a year to live, how would you spend your time?
July 7 Writing Prompt: Advice
If you were an advice columnist what would you tell someone whose spouse or partner has been unfaithful.
July 5 Writing Prompt: Desperado
Create a character who is desperate enough to kill someone. Put the character in a scene where they decide NOT to do it.
July 4 Writing Prompt: Hearing
If you lost your ability to hear what sounds would you miss most?
July 3 Writing Prompt: Lost and Found
If you found $300 at an ATM, would you return it or keep it? How would you justify your actions?
July 2 Writing Prompt: Being Homeless
Write about a homeless person you have seen. Make up their story. Explain how they ended up on the street.
July 1 Writing Prompt: Magic
Do you believe in magic? If not, why not? If you do, write about the last time something magical happened.
June 30 Writing Prompt: Lesson
So far, what has been your biggest test and greatest life’s lesson? What have you learned to appreciate as a result of this trial? Write about how these circumstances have made you a better person.
June 29 Writing Prompt: Present Situation
Write about your present situation, the most important thing going on in your life today. What makes it a priority? Who is involved? Are you attached to a specific outcome?