Writing Prompts for August…
If the quote, “Music is the universal language of mankind,” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is true, then, no doubt, the titles of songs can be an inspiration to those of us who love to write. This month’s prompts are based on a variety of song titles. It doesn’t matter if you know the song, all that matters is what memory or situation the title evokes for you. The idea here is to write about whatever comes up in whatever form you choose: poetry, essay, letter, journal entry, short story, memoir, or novel. Read the prompt, take a few deep breaths and write. Whether it’s about your deepest thoughts and feelings, your high school crush, or your favorite pet enjoy the journey.
August 1 Writing Prompt: Please Please Me by The Beatles. When in your life did you want someone to pay more attention to you or do something to please you? Perhaps the tables are reversed and you are the one who should be more considerate. Maybe this song title by The Beatles inspires something else. Write about whatever comes up.