September reminds me of back to school, a slight dip in temperature, and harvesting vegetables from the garden. Each year there is an overabundance of something. One year it was tomatoes, another year it was peppers, and this year it’s all varieties of squash. While my husband prepares the soil and plants the seeds, I’m in charge of watering and coming up with creative uses for the food we grow.
Creativity brings me to the topic of writing prompts for September. Awhile back I stumbled across the book, Women Know Everything! 3,241 Quips, Quotes & Brilliant Remarks. Touting “Wit and Wisdom from A to Z,” this month’s prompts are inspired by the alphabetical organization of the topics.
September 1Writing Prompt: Ability
We are often judged by our ability or lack of. Write about your strengths and weaknesses. What ability would you like to strengthen? What steps could you take over the next year to become more capable in this area?