October 19 Writing Prompt: Violence
Have you ever been involved in a violent situation? If so, describe the event, how you felt at the time, and how you feel now? Is violence ever justified? If you are currently experiencing violence, what steps can you take to change the situation?
Writing Prompt: Ugly
October 18 Writing Prompt: Ugly
Write about whatever the word, ugly, means to you. Perhaps it pertains to someone you know, a building in your neighborhood, a beloved pet, or your thoughts.
Writing Prompt: Temptation
October 17 Writing Prompt: Temptation
What is your greatest temptation? How often do you give in? What are the consequences for your actions? Write about any attempts you have made to avoid this temptation and whether it worked for you. If you always give in, write about why you don’t or can’t stop.
Writing Prompt: Sacrafice
October 16 Writing Prompt: Sacrifice
Write about a time when you had to give up something you valued for some future gain. How did you feel at the time? How do you feel now, looking back? Was your action at the time worth the sacrifice or would you do things different knowing what you know now?
Writing Prompt: Role Model
October 15 Writing Prompt: Role Model
Write about someone who is or who was a positive role model for you. What did you learn from this person and how has it been valuable. Perhaps you serve as a role model for someone you know. Write about your contributions.
Writing Prompt: Quotation
October 14 Writing Prompt: Quotation
Select a quotation that speaks to you and expound upon it. Explain why this quote speaks to you, how it makes you feel, what you think about the person who said it.
Writing Prompt: Perfection
October 13 Writing Prompt: Perfection
Do you strive for perfection or are you more likely to accept the status quo? Is perfection worth the effort or would you be happier and healthier lowering your standards? What do you gain or miss by accepting less than what is considered to be perfect?
Writing Prompt: Nature
October 11 Writing Prompt: Nature
Write about your favorite way to spend time in nature or why you don’t enjoy spending time in nature. Write about your best or worst experience while out hiking, camping, skiing etc. If you had an opportunity to climb Mt. Everest (training and Sherpa included) would you do it? Could you do it?
Writing Prompt: Memory
October 10 Writing Prompt: Memory
What is your favorite memory? What is your worst memory? Write about each of them, comparing and contrasting the two situations. What have learned from each of these experiences? Would you change either situation? If so, how?
Writing Prompt: Laughter
October 9 Writing Prompt: Laughter
Write about the people or situations that make you laugh. When was the last time you let out a huge belly laugh? How could you bring more laughter into your life? When was the last time you made someone else laugh?